Spinning & Weaving Mill of Drezna    
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ДПТФ - Preparing machines. Weaving mill of Drezna
Drezna Mill

Equipment of the preparation department

In the preparation department of every textile mill, the yarns are finally prepared for weaving: the main yarn is subjected to a knitting process to form a larger bundle - the spinning roll. After this, the batch of reamer rolls is transferred to the even more capacious package, the weaving beam.

At the same time, the yarns are impregnated with a special composition - slurry, which provides increased resistance to fraying and other mechanical stresses. The weaver's beam is installed directly on the machine (tied to the threads of the triggered warp or plugged when changing the assortment of fabrics produced on the machine).

Rewinding machine

Rewinding machine «SV-140»

Rewinding machine

Automatic gluing machine. A control panel

Stitching machine «SB-140-3»

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2001—2025 © Mill of Drezna: fabrics and yarn
Produced by: Drezna
«Эталон»: реставрация мягкой мебели