Spinning & Weaving Mill of Drezna    
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ДПТФ - Textile machines. Textile factory of Drezna
Drezna Mill

Textile machines

In order to obtain a finished fabric from cotton fiber, it is necessary to perform a number of technological operations with semi-finished products. With the development of the industry and technology, all kinds of machines, mechanisms, aggregates, and machines that facilitate and, most importantly, accelerate these processes are increasingly involved in the implementation of these processes. And the development of these technologies does not stop for a minute. The majority of Russian enterprises, unfortunately, are still working with outdated equipment, inherited from the Soviet times. There was no exception and «Spinning and weaving mill of Drezna». You can familiarize yourself with the technical equipment of the factory:
Spinning production equipment
Preparatory production equipment
Weaving equipment

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2001—2024 © Mill of Drezna: fabrics and yarn
Produced by: Drezna
«Эталон»: реставрация мягкой мебели