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ÄÏÒÔ - Textile factory of Drezna - Timeline
Drezna Mill

Factory chronicle


The sons of Ivan Nikitich Zimin, an Orekhovo-Zuyevo industrialist, founded a paper-spinning mill at the Drezna station of the Moscow-Nizhegorodskaya railroad. Grigory Ivanovich and Ivan Ivanovich Zimin became the main leaders of the new business.


Construction of the factory settlement began. 3 wooden houses were built for employees, brick barracks for workers.


Birth of new production. Two steam engines and three steam boilers «Babkok-Wilkoks» were launched by the command of the factory manager Fyodor Lebedev. The machines came to life, the factory began to produce.


From November 10 to December 15, the longest strike at the factory. The main demands: 8-hour working day, improvement of working conditions, removal of Black Hundreds from the factory.


March, 5-6. The first elections for deputies to the local council were held at the factory.


In February the enrollment of volunteers in the Red Army began. An armored train commanded by bolshevik Kuzmin operated on the Southern front of the Civil War. Almost the entire crew of the armored train consisted of Drezna factory youth.


Factory weavers have started to serve on four machine tools instead of two. A first signs of the future Stahanov-movements.


Praskovya Golubeva, a weaver of the Drezna Factory, holder of the Order of Lenin, is elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the first convocation.


By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the working settlement of Drezna is transformed into a town. From 8 thousand citizens 6 thousand worked at the factory.


In August the first 60 volunteers join a national home guard. Women replaced men in the workshops. The mechanical workshops started making shells. The working day was 12 hours, no days off, no vacations. Everything for the front, for Victory!


Nikolai Nikiforovich Tarasov, later Minister of Light Industry of the USSR for many years, was appointed Chief Engineer of the factory.


Reconstruction of the enterprise began. Modern equipment was installed in the shops and workshops. New steam boilers were installed in the boiler room to replace the old English boilers that had served 74 years.


The Drezna factory was awarded the Red Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of Komsomol. Only for the period from 1967 to 1987 the Red Banner of the Union and Republic was awarded to the collective 71 times.


In connection with the 40th anniversary of the Victory, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Drezna factory was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree for its services in providing the army and navy. The factory was inscribed on the All-Union Board of Honor at the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR.


Foundation of joint-stock company «Spinning & Weaving Mill of Drezna».


Due to critical financial situation the factory is transferred to external management of «Savva Kemikal Textiles». Dmitry Leonov was appointed external manager.


May 27, 100 years of the factory. Festive events are held in the city. Pop and movie stars come to the city for a concert: Efim Shifrin, Nikolai Karachentsev, Ekaterina Shavrina and other lesser-known...


On January 18 Dmitry Leonov, the general director of the factory, dies. On the eve of his own birthday he is found dead at the foot of a high-rise building. Officially it was announced that he committed suicide by jumping from the window.


After the death of the general director, numerous attempts are made to redistribute the property. The factory changes owners, names, and employees. A partial sale of the factory's equipment begins.


90% of production facilities, machines and equipment are sold off. Only a few weaving machines are functioning at the factory.

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2001—2024 © Mill of Drezna: fabrics and yarn
Produced by: Drezna
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